
Vocabulary Deletion

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why? Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I would ban the word "retard(ed)" it is extremely inappropriate to use in any setting. As an individual on the autism spectrum, I pledge to never use it. Why is that? Well, it originally started… Continue reading Vocabulary Deletion


Winter Vibes, What’s This, What’s This?

It's been a while since I shared an update on what I've been up to in the valley. At first, I thought about skipping it until the next one that should be out any day but it couldn't hurt to share something quick. The last winter update was when this game left early access and… Continue reading Winter Vibes, What’s This, What’s This?


I Am Ozzy – Ride with the Darkness on Speed

I don't know what made me select this title for a review. I just didn't want to make it too obvious like including Crazy Train or something so I did this. I thought to myself, if I were to read another autobiography by a musician, Ozzy would be next, and sure enough, his book was… Continue reading I Am Ozzy – Ride with the Darkness on Speed